Citace ostatními (Citation Index)

To, co o každém říkáš, a komu to říkáš, vždy sleduj.
Flauccus Quintus Horatius (8. 12. 654 př. n. l. - 27. 11. 8 př. n. l) Epistulae I, 18, 68.
up to 1991:
Chapter Two: Strategies for Solution Equilibria Studies with Specific Reference to Spectrophotometry, Chapter Seven: General Computer Programs for the Determination of Formation Constatnts from Various Types of Data, Plenum Press, New York 1985.
1/up91. 1.1 Diederic F., Angew. Chem., 27, 362 (1988).
2/up91. 1.2 Gonzales A. G., Talanta, 35, 249 (1988).
3/up91. 1.3 Tauler R., Anal. Chem., 206, 189 (1988).
4/up91. 1.4 Gampp H., Talanta, 33, 943 (1986).
5/up91. 1.5 Laszlo J., Gabios, 3, 351 (1987).
6/up91. 1.6 Ramos Ls., Anal. Chem., 58, R294 (1986).
7/up91. 1.7 Taylor P. D., Talanta, 35, 507 (1988).
8/up91. 1.8 Mocák J., Chem. Listy, 81, 126 (1987).
9/up91. 1.9 Hrdli…ka A., Solvent Ext., 5, 322 (1987).
10/up91. 1.10 Linhart P., Collection Czechosl. Chem. Comm. 52, 2322 (1987).
11/up91. 1.11 Bartušek M., Collection Czechosl. Chem. Comm.,51, 2702 (1987).
12/up91. 1.12 PÍíhoda J. Collection Czechosl. Chem. Comm.,50, 2827 (1985).
13/up91. 1.13 Fisicaro E., Biophys. Chem., 36, 1 (1990).
14/up91. 1.14 Baeza J. J. B., Anal. Chim. Acta 237, 473 (1990).
15/up91. 1.15 Aradi F., Magn. Res. C. 28, 246 (1990).
16/up91. 1.16 Djurdev P. Transit. Met. 15, 345 (1990).
17/up91. 1.17 Fisicaro E., Thermoch. Acta, 168, 161 (1990).
18/up91. 1.18 Kostrowi J., Talanta, 37, 645 (1990).
19/up91. 1.19 Moreno M., Comput. Chem., 14, 165 (1990).
20/up91. 1.20 Torres R., A. Anal. Chem., 62, 298 (1990).
21/up91. 1.21 Leporati E., Ann. Chim., 80, 231 (1990).
22/up91. 1.22 Leporati E., J. Chem. R.-S., 14, (1990).
23/up91. 1.23 Bottari E., Ann. Chim., 78, 635 (1990).
24/up91. 1.24 Braibanti A., Ann. Chim., 78, 679 (1990).
25/up91. 1.25 Lajunen L. H. J., Acta Chem Scand., 43, 2 (1989).
26/up91. 1.26 Pan P., Geochem. Cos., 53, 327 (1989).
27/up91. 1.27 Soundara S., Analzt. Bio., 178, 125 (1989).
28/up91. 1.28 May P. M., Talanta, 35, 825 (1988).
29/up91. 1.29 Leorati E., J. Chem Soc., Dalton, 1299 (1989).
30/up91. 1.30 Destefan C., Comput. Chem., 12, 305 (1988).
31/up91. 1.31 Elezaby M. S., J. Inorg. Bio., 34, 241 (1988).
32/up91. 1.32 Lamy I., Anal. Chim. Acta, 212, 105 (1988).
33/up91. 1.33 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988)
34/up91. 1.34 Bugaevsky A., Kholin Y., Anal. Chim. Acta, 249, 353 (1991).
35/up91. 1.35 Pla F. P., J. Comput. Chem. 12, 283 (1991).
36/up91. 1.36 Duffield J. R., Polyhedron 10, 1105 (1991).
37/up91. 1.37 Havel J., Chem. Listy, 85, 936 (1991).
38/up91. 1.38 Kusakabe S., Anal. Chim. 242, 57 (1991).
39/up91. 1.39 Tauler R., Anal.Chim., 248, 447 (1991).
40/up91. 1.40 Zhang, H. L., Transit. Metal, 16, 592 (1991).
41/up91. 1.41 Ye N. D., Inorg. Chem., 30, 1915 (1991).
42/up91. 1.42 Darwell, B. W., Talanta, 38, 875 (1991).
43/up91. 1.43 Leporati, Gaz. Chim. It., 121, 449 (1991).
44/up91. 1.44 Leporati E., B. Chem. Soc. J., 64, 2488 (1991).
45/up91. 1.45 Grant P. M., J. Rad. Nuc. A, 161, 527 (1992).
46/up91. 1.46 Boutchev, P. R., J. Inorg. Bio, 48, 153 (1992).
47/up91. 1.47 Jelikic, M., Talanta, 39, 665 (1992).
48/up91. 1.48 Tauler R., Analusis 20, 255 (1992).
49/up91. 1.49 Weigand R., Appl. Phys., B., 54, 516 (1992).
50/up91. 1.50 Zayats V. Y., Koord. Khim., 18, 287 (1992).
51/up91. 1.51 Djurdjev P., Polyhedron, 11, 197 (1992).
52/up91. 1.52 Djurdjev P., Transit. Met. 17, 84 (1992).
53/up91. 1.53 Bennet D. A., Radiochem. Act., 56, 15 (1992).
54/up91. 1.54 May, P. M., Talanta, 38, 1409 (1991).
55/up91. 1.55 Leporati E., J. Chem. R.-S., 1991, 308.
2. M. Meloun, J. Havel: COMPUTATION OF SOLUTION EQUILILIBRIA, Part 1. Spectrophotometry, Folia Fac. Sci., Un. Purk. Brun., Brno 1984. Part 2. Potentiometry, Folia Fac. Sci., Un. Purk. Brun., Brno 1985.
56/up91. 2.1 Sommer L., Pure Appl. Chem., 62, 2147 (1990).
57/up91. 2.2 Gladilov D. B., Anal. Chem., 44, 1268 (1989).
58/up91. 2.3 Sommer L., CRC C. R. Anal. R 19, 225 (1988).
59/up91. 2.4 Mocák J., Chem. Listy, 81, 126 a 1 (1987).
60/up91. 2.5 Linhart P., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 52, 322 (1987).
61/up91. 2.6 Sammartano S., Annali di Chim. (in print, pre-print dostupny).
62/up91. 2.7 De Stefano C., Annali di Chim. (in print, pre-print dostupny).
63/up91. 2.8 Braibanti A., Inorg. Chem. A-B, 138, 17 (1987).
64/up91. 2.9 Rozycki C., Chem. Anal., 33, 861 (1988).
65/up91. 2.10 Koch S., Z. Chem., 29, 150 (1989).
66/up91. 2.11 Kubáň V., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 54, 622 (1989).
67/up91. 2.12 Jančář L., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 53, 1424 (1988).
68/up91. 2.13 Petrich M., Analyt. Chim., 228, 229 (1990).
69/up91. 2.14 Havel J., Chemica Scripta 29, 249 (1989).
70/up91. 2.15 Havel J., Chem. Listy 85, 936 (1991).
71/up91. 2.16 Etxebarr N., J. Sol. Chem. 20, 1213 (1991).
72/up91. 2.17 Gonzales J. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 81, 592 (1992).
73/up91. 2.18 Parcewski A., Mikrochim. Acta, 108, 173 (1992).
74/up91. 2.19 Parcewski A., Fresenius Anal. Chem., 342, 10 (1992).
75/up91. 2.20 Deiana s., J. Chem. Soc. Dalton 1991, 1237.
76/up91. 2.21 Texter J., Anal. Chim. 248, 608 (1991).
77/up91. 2.22 Kireev D. B., Bull. Acad. Sci., 40, 57 (1991).
78/up91. 2.23 Gonzales A. G., Anal. Chim., 257, 29 (1992).
79/up91. 2.24 Asuero A. G., Anal. Letter, 25, 1143 (1992).
80/up91. 2.25 Citores M. J., Trac. Trend., 11, 310 (1992).
81/up91. 2.26 Zamazaki H., Anal. Chem., 64, 2770 (1992).
82/up91. 3.1 Kragten J., J. Chemometrics, 3, 99 (1988).
83/up91. 3.2 Mocák J., Chem Listy, 81, 126 (1987).
84/up91. 3.3 Lavagnin I., Anal. Chim Acta, 239, 95 (1990).
85/up91. 3.4 Deiana S., J. Inorg. Bio., 40, 301 (1990).
86/up91. 3.5 Hassinen I. E., Circulation, 83, 584 (1991).
87/up91. 3.6 Ynd E., Inorg. Chem., 30, 1815 (1991).
88/up91. 3.7 Deiana S., J. Chem. Soc., Dalton 1237 (1991).
89/up91. 3.8 Havel J., Chem. Scripta, 29, 249 (1989).
90/up91. 3.9 Konigsbe E., Monats. Chem., 121, 119 (1990).
91/up91. 3.10 Deiana S., J. Inorg. Bio., 39, 25 (1990).
92/up91. 3.11 Pesavent M., Ann. Chim., 80, 265 (1990).
93/up91. 3.12 Braibanti A., Ann. Chim., 78, 679 (1988).
94/up91. 3.13 Budevsky O., Talanta, 35, 899 (1988).
95/up91. 3.14 Bugaevsky A. A., Kholin Y., Anal. Chim. Acta, 249, 353 (1991).
96/up91. 3.15 Hoegfeldt E., Acta Chem. Scand., 43, 203 (1989).
97/up91. 3.16 Havel J., Chem. Scripta, 29, 133 (1989).
98/up91. 3.17 Komers K., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 53, 1574 (1988).
99/up91. 3.18 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
100/up91. 3.19 van Westrenen J., Khishnyak P. L., Chopin G. R., Computers and Chemistry, 15, 121 (1991).
101/up91. 3.20 Gonzales G. G., Microchem J., 39, 303 (1989).
102/up91. 3.21 Kireev D. B., Bull. Acad. Sci. 40, 57 (1991).
103/up91. 3.22 Texter J., Analyt. Chim., 248, 603 (1991).
104/up91. 3.23 Deina S., J. Chem. Soc. Dalton, 1991, 1237.
105/up91. 3.24 Citores M. J., Trac. Trend. 11, 310 (1992).
106/up91. 3.25 Yamazaki H., Anal. Chem., 64, 2770 (1992).
107/up91. 3.26 Gonzales A. G., Anal. Chim., 257, 29 (1992).
108/up91. 3.27 Havel J., Talanta 39, 517 (1992).
109/up91. 3.28 Asuero A. G., Anal. Letter 25, 1143 (1992).
110/up91. 3.29 Gomzales J. L., J. Pharm. Sci., 81, 592 (1992).
111/up91. 3.30 Parcewski A., Fresenius Anal. Chem., 342, 10 (1992).
4. M. Meloun, J. Čermák: Talanta 23, 15 (1976).
112/up91. 4.1 Kucharko R., Z. Anal. Chem., 323, 123 (1986).
113/up91. 4.2 Mocák J., Chem Listy, 81, 126 (1987).
114/up91. 4.3 Kowalski Br., Anal. Chem., 52, R112 (1980).
115/up91. 4.4 Gaizer F., Coord. Chem. Rev., 27, 195 (1979).
116/up91. 4.5 Goode Sr., Anal. Chem., 49, 1408 (1977).
117/up91. 4.6 Kucharko R., Z. Chem. 19, 281 (1979).
118/up91. 4.7 Perrin D. D., Talanta, 24, 339 (1977).
119/up91. 4.8 Wu A. H. B., Anal. Chem., 50, 2090 (1978).
5. M. Meloun, S. Kotrlý: Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 42, 2115 (1977).
120/up91. 5.1 Kadin H., Anal. Letters A., 17, 1245 (1984).
121/up91. 5.2 Havel J. Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 48, 1290 (1983).
122/up91. 5.3 Rosendor J., Talanta, 27, 705 (1980).
123/up91. 5.4 Šçcha L., Chem. Listy, 72, 705 (1978).
124/up91. 5.5 Gaizer F., Coord. Chem. Rev., 27, 195 (1979).
125/up91. 5.6 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem.
126/up91. 5.7 Drummond C. J., J. Chem. S. F1, 85, 537 (1989).
127/up91. 5.8 Pesavent m., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday, 88, 2035 (1992).
6. M. Meloun, J. Čermák: Talanta, 33, 929 (1986).
128/up91. 6.1 Asuero A. G., Talanta, 33, 929 (1986).
129/up91. 6.2 Laouenan A., Talanta, 32, 245 (1985).
130/up91. 6.3 Lampugna L., Anal. Chim. Acta, 194, 77 (1987).
131/up91. 6.4 Motekaitis R., Can. J. Chem., 60, 168 (1982).
132/up91. 6.5 Leggett D. J., Amer. Lab., January 1982.
133/up91. 6.6 Gouterma M., Inorg. Chem., 20, 87 (1981).
134/up91. 6.7 Mindl J., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 45, 3130 (1980).
135/up91. 6.8 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
7. M. Meloun, J. Čermák: Talanta, 31, 947 (1984).
136/up91. 7.1 Havel J., Talanta, 33, 435 (1986).
137/up91. 7.2 Havel J., Talanta, 33, 526 (1986).
138/up91. 7.3 Ramos L. S., Anal. Chem., 58, 294 (1986).
139/up91. 7.4 Fournais R., Analusis, 15, 33 (1987).
140/up91. 7.5 Fournais R., Talanta, 34, 385 (1987).
141/up91. 7.6 Magallan J. F., An. As. Quim., 76, 413 (1988).
142/up91. 7.7 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
8. M. Meloun, M. Javůrek: Talanta, 31, 1083 (1984).
143/up91. 8.1 Havel J., Talanta, 33, 435 (1986).
144/up91. 8.2 Havel J., Talanta, 33, 526 (1986).
145/up91. 8.3 Ramos L. S., Anal. Chem., 58, 294 (1986).
146/up91. 8.4 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988)
147/up91. 8.5 Rozycki C., Chem. Anal., 33, 861 (1988).
9. J. Havel, M. Meloun: Talanta, 32, 171 (1985).
148/up91. 9.1 Durst Ge. Amer. Lab., 18, 116 (1985).
149/up91. 9.2 Ramos L. S., Anal. Chem., 58, 294 (1986).
10. M. Meloun, M. Javůrek: Talanta, 32, 973 (1985).
150/up91. 10.1 Ferrari V., Pharm. Sci., 76, 554 (1987).
11. J. Havel, M. Meloun: Talanta, 33, 435 (1986).
151/up91. 11.1 Brown S. D., Anal. Chem., 60, 522 (1988).
152/up91. 11.2 PÍíhoda J., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 50, 2827 (1985).
153/up91. 11.3 Zeman A., Herrmann E., Z. Chem., 26, 301 (1986).
154/up91. 11.4 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
12. M. Meloun, M. Javůrek, J. Havel: Talanta, 33, 513 (1986).
155/up91. 12.1 Brown S. D., Anal. Chem., 60, 522 (1988).
156/up91. 12.2 Husek A., Phytochem., 28, 3217 (1989).
157/up91. 12.3 Tansienh L., New J. Chem., 13, 227 (1989).
158/up91. 12.4 Gladilov D. B., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 53, 526 (1988).
159/up91. 12.5 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
13. J. Havel, M. Meloun: Talanta, 33, 525 (1986).
160/up91. 13.1 Brown S. D., Anal. Chem., 60, 525 (1988).
161/up91. 13.2 Gladilov D. B., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 53, 526 (1988).
162/up91. 13.3 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
14. M. Meloun, M. Javůrek, A. Hynkova: Talanta, 33, 825 (1986).
163/up91. 14.1 Brown S. D., Anal. Chem., 60, 525 (1988).
164/up91. 14.2 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
15. M. Meloun, J. Pancl: Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 41, 2365 (1976).
165/up91. 15.1 Chýlková J., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 47, 2110 (1982).
166/up91. 15.2 Mocák J., Chem. Listy, 81, 126 (1987).
167/up91. 15.3 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
16. M. Meloun, J. Chýlková, J. Pancl: Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 43, 1027 (1978).
168/up91. 16.1 Chýlková J., Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 47, 2110 (1982)
169/up91. 16.2 Chýlková J., Chem. Zvesti, 38, 607 (1984)
170/up91. 16.3 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
17. M. Meloun, J. Pancl: Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 44, 2032 (1979).
171/up91. 17.1 Constabl Ec., Coord. Chem. Rev., 45, 329 (1982).
172/up91. 17.2 Chýlková J., Chem. Zvesti, 38, 607 (1984).
173/up91. 17.3 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
18. M. Meloun, J. Chýlková, M. Bartoš: Analyst, 111, 1189 (1986).
174/up91. 18.1 Brown S. D., Anal. Chem., 60, 522 (1988).
175/up91. 18.2 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
19. M. Meloun, J. Militky: CHEMOMETRIE, SNTL Praha 1991.
176/up91. 19.1 Gaspari… J., Chem Listy, 85, 359 (1991).
20. M. Meloun: Inter. Lab., 6/8, 30 (1986).
177/up91. 20.1 Rajic N. Z., J. Coord. Chem., 20, 163 (1989).
178/up91. 20.2 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988)
179/up91. 20.3 Rajic N. Z., Zeolites, 8, 238 (1988).
180/up91. 20.4 Sojakov Dr., Acta Chim. Hung., 128, 839 (1991).
21. M. Meloun, J. Chýlková: Collection Czech. Chem. Comm., 44, 2815 (1979).
181/up91. 21.1 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
22. M. Meloun, J. Čermák: Talanta, 26, 569 (1979).
182/up91. 22.1 Asuero A. G., An. Quim., B, 84, 96 (1988).
183/up91. 22.2 Sommer L., Langová M., CRC Critical Reviews in Anal. Chem. R19, Issue 3, 225 (1988).
184/up91. 22.3 Lampugna L., Anal. Chim. Acta, 194, 77 (1987).
23. V. Říha, M. Meloun, M. Franz, J. Čermák: Sb. Věd. Pr., Vys. Šk. Chemickotechnol., Pardubice, 33, 39 (1975).
185/up91. 23.1 Havel J., Talanta, 33, 435 (1986).
.....................................under construction................................
.....................................under construction................................
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1. J. Havel, M. Meloun: in D. J. Leggett (Ed.): COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF FORMATION CONSTANTS, Chapter Two: Strategies for Solution Equilibria Studies with Specific Reference to Spectrophotometry, Chapter Seven: General Computer Programs for the Determination of Formation Constatnts from Various Types of Data, Plenum Press, New York 1985.
1/95. 1. F. Chaubet: Can. J. Chem. 72, 2361 (1994).
2/95. 2. L. Lomozik: J. chem. Educ. 72, 27 (1995).
3/95. 3. I. Almahami: Radiochem. Acta 68, 63 (1995).
4/95. 4. P. T. Djurdjev: Anal. Chim. Acta 300, 253 (1995).
5/95. 5. P. Doungdle: J. Chem. Soc. P2, 319 (1995).
6/95. 6. E. Casassas: Anal. Chim. Acta 310, 473 (1995).
7/95. 7. H. J. Buschman: J. Coord. chem. 31, 347 (1994).
8/95. 8. E. Casassas: Macromolec. 27, 1729 (1994).
9/95. 9. Z. Grabaric: Chem. Pap.-Ch. 47, 282 (1993).
10/95. 10. A. Vogt: Polyhedron 13, 1027 (1994).
11/95. 11. K. B. Yatsimirski: Koord. Khim. 19, 793 (1993).
12/95. 12. I. Batinich: Inorg. Chem. 33, 3151 (1994).
13/95. 13. M. T. Caudle: Inorg. Chem. 33, 4077 (1994).
14/95. 14. M. T. Caudle: Inorg. Chem. 33, 4759 (1994).
15/95. 15. E. Leporati: J. Coord. Chem. 28, 173 (1993).
16/95. 16. E. Leporati: J. Coord. Chem. 28, 179 (1993).
2. M. Meloun, J. Havel: COMPUTATION OF SOLUTION EQUILILIBRIA, Part 1. Spectrophotometry, Folia Fac. Sci., Un. Purk. Brun., Brno 1984.
17/95. 1. A. Parcewski, G. Kateman: Chem. and Intell. Lab. Syst. 25, 265 (1994).
18/95. 2. A. Parcewski: Fresenius J. Anal. chem. 348, 626 (1994).
3. M. Meloun, J. Havel: COMPUTATION OF SOLUTION EQUILILIBRIA, Part 2. Potentiometry, Folia Fac. Sci., Un. Purk. Brun., Brno 1985.
19/95. 1. A. Parcewski, G. Kateman: Chem. and Intell. Lab. Syst. 25, 265 (1994).
20/95. 2. A. Parcewski: Fresenius J. Anal. chem. 348, 626 (1994).
4. M. Meloun, J. Havel, E. Hoegfeldt: COMPUTATION OF SOLUTION EQUILIBRIA, A Guide to Methods in Potentiometry, Extraction and Spectrophotometry, Ellis Horwood, Chichester 1988.
21/95. 1. G. Borge: J. Sol. Chem 23, 1213 (1994).
22/95. 2. A. G. Gonzales: Anal. Chim. Acta 298, 203 (1994).
23/95. 3. A. Braibanti: Ann. Chim. 85, 17 (1995).
24/95. 4. V. Eliet: J. Chem. Soc. Far. Trans. 91, 2275 (1995).
25/95. 5. K. H. Bodek: J. Appl. Polym. 57, 645 (1995).
26/95. 6. W. M. Best: Aust. J. chem. 47, 2023 (1994).
27/95. 7. H. J. Buschman: J. Coord. Chem. 31, 347 (1994).
28/95. 8. R. Cazallas: Talanta 41, 1637 (1994).
29/95. 9. A. G. Gonzales: Anal. Chim. Acta 298, 65 (1994).
30/95. 10. O. Hernande: Talanta 41, 775 (1994).
31/95. 11. E. Kilic: Anal. Chim. Acta 294, 215 (1994).
32/95. 12. M. M. Kopecni: 1. Chem. Soc. Dalton 2209, (1994).
33/95. 13. F. Koseogln: Anal. Chim. Acta 293, 87 (1994).
34/95. 14. D. Reyman: J. Phys. Chem. 98, 408 (1994).
35/95. 15. G. Serratri: New. J. Chem. 18, 749 (1994).
36/95. 16. M. A. Olazabal: J. Sol. Chem. 23, 1111 (1994).
37/95. 17. M. T. Caudle: Inorg. Chem. 33, 4759 (1994).
38/95. 18. M. T. Caudle: Inorg. Chem. 33, 108 (1994).
39/95. 19. K. Komers: J. Chem. R. S. 293, (1994)
40/95. 20. H. Yamazaki: Anal. Chim. Acta 284, 379 (1993).
41/95. 21. I. G. Povar: Revue Roumaine de Chimie 40, 319 (1995).
42/95. 22. A. Anagnostopoulos, S. Hadjispyrou: J. Inorg. Biochem. 57, 279 (1995).
43/95. 23. D. G. Kinniburgh, C. J. Milne, P. Venema: Soil Science Soc. Amer. J. 59, 417 (1995).
44/95. 24. F. T. Chau, W. H. Chung: J. Chem. Educ. 72, A84 (1995).
45/95. 25. P. Piu, G. Sanna, M. A. Zoroddu et al.: J. Chem. Soc. Dalton 1267, 1995.
5. M. Meloun, J. Čermák: Talanta 23, 15 (1976).
46/95. 1. Ni Yu, Z, H. Peng: Anal. Chim. Acta 304, 217 (1995).
6. J. Havel, M. Meloun: Talanta, 33, 435 (1986).
47/95. 1. A. Braibanti: Ann. Chim. 85, 17 (1995).
7. M. Meloun, M. Javůrek, J. Havel: Talanta, 33, 513 (1986).
48/95. 1. R. Cazallas: Talanta 41, 1637 (1994).
8. M. Meloun, J. Militky: Statistické zpracování experimentálních dat, PLUS Praha 1992.
49/95. 1. J. Majer: J. Chemometr. 9, 59 (1995).
9. M. Meloun, J. Militký, M. Forina: CHEMOMETRICS FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Volume 1. PC-Aided Statistical Data Analysis, Ellis Horwood Chichester 1992.
50/95. 1. E. A. Demayer: Inorg. Chem. 33, 5999 (1994).
51/95. 2. P. Praus: Anal. Chim. Acta 302, 39 (1995).
52/95. 3. R. Kral: Anal. Chim. Acta 304, 237 (1995).
53/95. 4. M. J. Latorre: J. Agr. Food 42, 1451 (1994).
54/95. 5. S. D. Brown: Anal. Chim. Acta 66, R315 (1994)Review.
55/95. 6. D. Pitea: Fresenius J. An. Chem. 348, 111 (1994).
56/95. 7. B Treiger: Anal. Chim. Acta 284, 119 (1993).
57/95. 8. S. Kokot, S. Stewart: Textile Res. J. 65, 643 (1995).
58/95. 9. S. Fadda, A. Rivoldini, I. Cau: Geostandards Newsletters 19, 41 (1995).
59/95. 10. F. Pederesen, E. Bengtsson, B. Nordin: J. Chemometrics 9, 389 (1995).
60/95. 11. A. R. Katrizky, V. S. Lobanov, M. Karelson: Chemical Soc. Reviews 24, 279 (1995).
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1/96. Derobertis-A Destefano-C Giuffre-O Sammartano-S Binding of Carboxylic Ligands by Protonated Amines JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 1996, Vol 92, Iss 21, pp 4219-4226
2/96. Ingri-N Andersson-I Pettersson-L Yagasaki-A Andersson-L Holmstrom-K Lake - A Program System for Equilibrium Analytical Treatment of Multimethod Data, Especially Combined Potentiometric and Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Data ACTA CHEMICA SCANDINAVICA 1996, Vol 50, Iss 8, pp 717-734
3/96. Barbosa-J Barron-D Beltran-JL Sanznebot-V Pkpot, a Program for the Potentiometric Study of Ionic Equilibria in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Media ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1995, Vol 317, Iss 1-3, pp 75-81
4/96. Havel-J Cuesta-F Gonzalez-JL Canedo-MD Multicomponent Kinetic-Analysis and Kinetic-Studies .1. Multipurpose Kilet(94) Nonlinear Least-Squares Program JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 51, Iss 1, pp 100-105
5/96. Djurdjevic-P Djokic-D Protein Interactions with Bivalent Tin .1. Hydrolysis and Complexation of Tin(II) Ion with Glycine JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 62, Iss 1, pp 17-29
6/96. Sedaira-H Idriss-KA Hashem-EY Seleim-MM Elnady-AB Solvation Numbers and Hydration Constant for Thorium(IV) in Ethanol-Water Medium JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 25, Iss 1, pp 95-103
7/96. Jordan-PA Clayden-NJ Heath-SL Moore-GR Powell-AK Tapparo-A Defining Speciation Profiles of Al3+ Complexed with Small Organic-Ligands - The Al3+-Heidi System COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 1996, Vol 149, Iss MAR, pp 281-309
8/96. Gans-P Sabatini-A Vacca-A Investigation of Equilibria in Solution - Determination of Equilibrium-Constants with the Hyperquad Suite of Programs TALANTA 1996, Vol 43, Iss 10, pp 1739-1753
9/96. Brendler-V Geipel-G Bernhard-G Nitsche-H Complexation in the System Uo22+/Po43-/Oh-(Aq) - Patentiometric and Spectroscopic Investigations at Very- Low Ionic Strengths RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 1996, Vol 74, pp 75-80
10/96. Nwabueze-JN Complexes of Iron(III) with Cyclopropanecarbohydroxamic and Cyclohexylacetohydroxamic Acids TRANSITION METAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 21, Iss 3, pp 258-261
11/96. Darj-MM Malinowski-ER Complexation Between Copper(II) and Glycine in Aqueous Acid-Solutions by Window Factor-Analysis of Visible Spectra ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 68, Iss 9, pp 1593-1598
12/96. Havel-J Cuesta-F Gonzalez-JL Canedo-MD Multicomponent Kinetic-Analysis and Kinetic-Studies .1. Multipurpose Kilet(94) Nonlinear Least-Squares Program JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 51, Iss 1, pp 100-105
13/96. Borkowski-M Lis-S Choppin-GR Complexation Study of Npo2+ and Uo22+ Ions with Several Organic-Ligands in Aqueous-Solutions of High Ionic- Strength RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 1996, Vol 74, pp 117-121
14/96. Jensen-MP Choppin-GR Complexation of Europium(III) by Aqueous Orthosilicic Acid RADIOCHIMICA ACTA 1996, Vol 72, Iss 3, pp 143-150
15/96. Yamauchi-O Odani-A Stability-Constants of Metal-Complexes of Amino-Acids with Charged Side-Chains .1. Positively Charged Side- Chains PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 68, Iss 2, pp 469-496
16/96. Hachimi-S Cote-G Bauer-D Belcadi-S Modeling of the Excess Properties and of the Concentration of H+, HSO4(-) and SO4(2-) in H2Oh2So4 Binary Mixtures Using a Truncated Version of Pitzer Model JOURNAL DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE ET DE PHYSICO-CHIMIE BIOLOGIQUE 1996, Vol 93, Iss 2, pp 373-385
17/96. Martin-CG Hernandez-JLG Alonso-MMC Kinagdc-MW - A Multipurpose Program for the Treatment of Kinetic and Equilibrium Data COMPUTERS & CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 20, Iss 2, pp 167-173
18/96. Manez-MA Fernandeztrujillo-MJ Basallote-MG Kinetics of Substitution-Reactions of Fe-II-Phosphine Complexes with Cl-, Br- and SCN- in Acetonitrile - A Comparative-Study of Complexes Containing Bidentate and Tripodal Phosphines POLYHEDRON 1996, Vol 15, Iss 14, pp 2305-2310
19/96. Brown-SD Sum-ST Despagne-F Lavine-BK Chemometrics ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 68, Iss 12, pp R21-R61
20/96. Katritzky-AR Rachwal-P Law-KW Karelson-M Lobanov-VS Prediction of Polymer Glass-Transition Temperatures Using a General Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Treatment
21/96. Militky-J Kovacic-V Ultimate Mechanical-Properties of Basalt Filaments TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 1996, Vol 66, Iss 4, pp 225-229
22/96. Goodacre-R Neal-MJ Kell-DB Quantitative-Analysis of Multivariate Data Using Artificial Neural Networks - A Tutorial Review and Applications to the Deconvolution of Pyrolysis Mass- Spectra ZENTRALBLATT FUR BAKTERIOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY VIROLOGY PARASITOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1996, Vol 284, Iss 4, pp 516-539
23/96. Ingri-N Andersson-I Pettersson-L Yagasaki-A Andersson-L Holmstrom-K Lake - A Program System for Equilibrium Analytical Treatment of Multimethod Data, Especially Combined Potentiometric and Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Data ACTA CHEMICA SCANDINAVICA 1996, Vol 50, Iss 8, pp 717-734
24/96. Barbosa-J Barron-D Beltran-JL Sanznebot-V Pkpot, a Program for the Potentiometric Study of Ionic Equilibria in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Media ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1995, Vol 317, Iss 1-3, pp 75-81
25/96. Havel-J Cuesta-F Gonzalez-JL Canedo-MD Multicomponent Kinetic-Analysis and Kinetic-Studies .1. Multipurpose Kilet(94) Nonlinear Least-Squares Program JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 51, Iss 1, pp 100-105
26/96. Djurdjevic-P Djokic-D Protein Interactions with Bivalent Tin .1. Hydrolysis and Complexation of Tin(II) Ion with Glycine JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 62, Iss 1, pp 17-29
27/96. Sedaira-H Idriss-KA Hashem-EY Seleim-MM Elnady-AB Solvation Numbers and Hydration Constant for Thorium(IV) in Ethanol-Water Medium JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 1996, Vol 25, Iss 1, pp 95-103
28/96. Jordan-PA Clayden-NJ Heath-SL Moore-GR Powell-AK Tapparo-A Defining Speciation Profiles of Al3+ Complexed with Small Organic-Ligands - The Al3+-Heidi System COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 1996, Vol 149, Iss MAR, pp 281-309
29/96. Perutka-J Havel-J Galindo-L Montelongo-FG Leon-JJA Evaluation of Equilibrium-Constants from Potentiometric Z-pH Normalized Curves Using the Partial Least-Squares (Pls) Self-Calibration Method CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI 1996, Vol 50, Iss 4, pp 162-166
1/97. Daniel NW, Lewis IR, Griffiths PR Interpretation of Raman spectra of nitro-containing explosive materials. Part II: The implementation of neural, fuzzy, and statistical models for unsupervised pattern recognition APPL SPECTROSC 51: (12) 1868-1879 DEC 1997
2/97. Borge G, Fernandez LA, Madariaga JM On the liquid junction potential for the determination of equilibrium constants by means of the potentiometric technique without constant ionic strength J ELECTROANAL CHEM 440: (1-2) 183-192 DEC 20 1997
3/97. Baumann K, Watzig H Regression and calibration for analytical separation techniques. Part I: Design considerations PROCESS CONTR QUAL 10: (1-2) 59-73 SEP 1997
4/97. Baumann K Regression and calibration for analytical separation techniques. Part II: Validation, weighted and robust regression PROCESS CONTR QUAL 10: (1-2) 75-112 SEP 1997
5/97. Praus P, Knapikova A Calculation of the detection and determination limits of volumetric methods CHEM LISTY 91: (12) 1066-1068 1997
6/97. Borge G, Madariaga JM Determination of equilibrium constants of strong acidic ion exchange resins by potentiometric titrations TALANTA 45: (2) 463-471 DEC 19 1997
7/97. Bota A, Sarbu C, Marutoiu C, et al. Application of principal-components analysis to the choice of optimum solvent system for the separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by TLC JPC-J PLANAR CHROMAT 10: (5) 358-361 SEP-OCT 1997
8/97. Jacobson MP, Coy SL, Field RW Extended cross correlation: A technique for spectroscopic pattern recognition J CHEM PHYS 107: (20) 8349-8356 NOV 22 1997
9/97. Coy SL, Jacobson MP, Field RW Identifying patterns in multicomponent signals by extended cross correlation J CHEM PHYS 107: (20) 8357-8369 NOV 22 1997
10/97. NeherNeumann E The liquid junction potential in potentiometric titrations .1. The calculation of potentials across liquid junctions of the type AY vertical bar BYz(B)+HY+AY for cells with mixtures of strong electrolytes ACTA CHEM SCAND 51: (12) 1141-1154 DEC 1997
11/97. Osthols E, Manceau A, Farges F, et al. Adsorption of thorium on amorphous silica: An EXAFS study J COLLOID INTERF SCI 194: (1) 10-21 OCT 1 1997
12/97. Havel J, Janos P Evaluation of capillary zone electrophoresis equilibrium data using the CELET program J CHROMATOGR A 786: (2) 321-331 OCT 31 1997
13/97. Gonzalez JL, Canedo MM, Grande C Optimization of kinetic parameters. Multipurpose KINAGDC(MW) non-linear regression program CHEMOMETR INTELL LAB 39: (1) 77-84 NOV 1997
14/97. Dyson RM, Kaderli S, Lawrance GA, et al. Second order global analysis: the evaluation of series of spectrophotometric titrations for improved determination of equilibrium constants ANAL CHIM ACTA 353: (2-3) 381-393 OCT 30 1997
15/97. Andrade JM, Garcia MV, LopezMahia P, et al. A review of the main factors influencing the FT-IR-PLS abilities exemplified with petrochemical qualimetric applications TALANTA 44: (12) 2167-2184 DEC 1 1997
16/97. Yalvac ED, Seasholtz MB, Beach MA, et al. Real-time analysis of light alkenes at elevated temperatures and pressures by fiber-optic near-infrared spectroscopy APPL SPECTROSC 51: (10) 1565-1572 OCT 1997
17/97. Exner-O Calculating Equilibrium-Constants from Spectral Data - Reliability of the Benesi-Hildebrand Method and Its Modifications CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 1997, Vol 39, Iss 1, pp 85-93
18/97. Lubal-P Havel-J Spectrophotometric and Potentiometric Study of Uranyl Hydrolysis in Perchlorate Medium - Is Derivative Spectrophotometry Suitable for Search of the Chemical- Model CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI 1997, Vol 51, Iss 4, pp 213-220
19/97. Cruywagen-JJ Rohwer-EA Vandewater-RF Molybdenum(VI) Complex-Formation - Equilibria and Thermodynamic Quantities for the Reactions with Malate POLYHEDRON 1997, Vol 16, Iss 2, pp 243-251
20/97. Batinichaberle-I Liochev-SI Spasojevic-I Fridovich-I A Potent Superoxide-Dismutase Mimic - Manganese Beta- Octabromo-Meso-Tetrakis-(N-Methylpyridinium-4- Yl)Porphyrin ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 1997, Vol 343, Iss 2, pp 225-233
21/97. Olivieri-AC Escandar-GM Random Error Analysis in the Determination of Equilibrium-Constants of Very Stable Metal-Complexes ANALYTICAL LETTERS 1997, Vol 30, Iss 10, pp 1967-1980
22/97. Lubal-P Havel-J The Study of Complex Equilibria of Uranium(VI) with Selenate TALANTA 1997, Vol 44, Iss 3, pp 457-466
23/97. Zeman-A Mixed-Ligand Complexes of Europium, Dialkylphosphoric Acids and Perchlorate Anion JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY-ARTICLES 1996, Vol 208, Iss 1, pp 229-242
24/97. Machucaherrera-JO Nonlinear Curve-Fitting Using Spreadsheets JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION 1997, Vol 74, Iss 4, pp 448-449
25/97. Dimitrov-SD Kamenski-DI Overall Stability-Constants - Estimation by Nonlinear Least-Squares Methods COMPUTERS & CHEMISTRY 1997, Vol 21, Iss 3, pp 167-173
26/97. Mullnerova-J Rejnek-J Novobilsky-V Arsenic Amounts in Hair of Some Groups of Human-Population CHEMICKE LISTY 1997, Vol 91, Iss 9, pp 719-720
27/97. Moskalova-M Zemberyova-M AAS Determination of Total Mercury Content in Environmental-Samples CHEMICAL PAPERS-CHEMICKE ZVESTI 1997, Vol 51, Iss 5, pp 273-275
28/97. Hutta-M Moskalova-M Zemberyova-M Foltin-M Off-Line Combination of Rphplc and Trace Mercury Analyzer for Organomercurial Speciation in Environmental- Samples JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY-ARTICLES 1996, Vol 208, Iss 2, pp 403-415
29/97. Foltin-M Megova-S Prochackova-T Steklac-M Speciation of Mercury by Ion Chromatography with Postcolumn Derivatization JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY-ARTICLES 1996, Vol 208, Iss 1, pp 295-307
30/97. Dossantos-VA Pereira-JAFR Dantas-CC Modeling of the Isothermal Dehydration of Gypsum Ore to Obtain Beta-Hemihydrate BULLETIN DES SOCIETES CHIMIQUES BELGES 1997, Vol 106, Iss 5, pp 253-260
31/97. Petzold-A Kopp-C Niessner-R The Dependence of the Specific Attenuation Cross-Section on Black Carbon Mass Fraction and Particle-Size ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 1997, Vol 31, Iss 5, pp 661-672
32/97. Ferre-J Rius-FX A Graphical Criterion to Examine the Quality of Multicomponent Analysis - Implications for Wavelength Selection TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1997, Vol 16, Iss 3, pp 155-162
33/97. Grabaric-BS Grabaric-Z Tauler-R Esteban-M Casassas-E Application of Multivariate Curve Resolution to the Voltammetric Data - Factor-Analysis Ambiguities in the Study of Weak Consecutive Complexation of Metal-Ion with Ligand ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 341, Iss 2-3, pp 105-120
34/97. Bohanec-S Moder-M A Computer-Program for Searching the Best Model for Describing Different Experimental Systems ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 340, Iss 1-3, pp 267-275
35/97. Arcos-MJ Ortiz-MC Villahoz-B Sarabia-LA Genetic-Algorithm-Based Wavelength Selection in Multicomponent Spectrometric Determinations by Pls - Application on Indomethacin and Acemethacin Mixture ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 339, Iss 1-2, pp 63-77
36/97. Casale-A Marsala-V Marsala-S Dipietro-ML Vehicle Emissions, Urban Air-Quality and Current Italian Legislation - The Case of Messina .2. ANNALI DI CHIMICA 1996, Vol 86, Iss 11-12, pp 653-676
37/97. Faber-K Kowalski-BR Propagation of Measurement Errors for the Validation of Predictions Obtained by Principal Component Regression and Partial Least-Squares JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS 1997, Vol 11, Iss 3, pp 181-238
38/97. Simoes-PN Portugal-AT Campos-JA Characterization and Kinetic-Analysis of the Thermal- Decomposition of 2-Oxy-4,6-Dinitramine-S-Triazine in Nonisothermal Conditions THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 298, Iss 1-2, pp 95-108
39/97. Anzalone-S Bottari-E Festa-MR Determination of Oligoelements in Wheat ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 343, Iss 3, pp 241-249 Kokot-S Tuan-NA Rintoul-L Discrimination of Reactive Dyes on Cotton Fabric by Raman-Spectroscopy and Chemometrics APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 1997, Vol 51, Iss 3, pp 387-395
40/97. Kokot-S Tuan-NA Rintoul-L Discrimination of Reactive Dyes on Cotton Fabric by Raman-Spectroscopy and Chemometrics APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 1997, Vol 51, Iss 3, pp 387-395
41/97. Evangelisti-F Zunin-P Tiscornia-E Petacchi-R Drava-G Lanteri-S Stability to Oxidation of Virgin Olive Oils as Related to Olive Conditions - Study of Polar Compounds by Chemometric Methods JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY 1997, Vol 74, Iss 8, pp 1017-1023
42/97. Jacobson-MP Coy-SL Field-RW Extended Cross-Correlation - A Technique for Spectroscopic Pattern-Recognition JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1997, Vol 107, Iss 20, pp 8349-8356
43/97. Jouanrimbaud-D Massart-DL Saby-CA Puel-C Characterization of the Representativity of Selected Sets of Samples in Multivariate Calibration and Pattern- Recognition ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 350, Iss 1-2, pp 149-161
44/97. Andrade-JM Muniategui-S Lopezmahia-P Prada-D Use of Multivariate Techniques in Quality-Control of Kerosene Production FUEL 1997, Vol 76, Iss 1, pp 51-59
45/97. Pop-HF Sarbu-C The Fuzzy Hierarchical Cross-Clustering Algorithm - Improvements and Comparative-Study Kokot-S Crawford-K Rintoul-L Meyer-U A Drifts Study of Reactive Dye States on Cotton Fabric VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY 1997, Vol 15, Iss 1, pp 103-111
46/97. Zhu-W Kennedy-M Deleer-EWB Zhou-H Alaerts-GJFR Distribution and Modeling of Rare-Earth Elements in Chinese River Sediments Zhu-W Deleer-EWB Kennedy-M Kelderman-P Alaerts-GJFR Study of a Partial Least-Squares Regression-Model for Rare-Earth Element Determination by Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 1997, Vol 12, Iss 6, pp 661-665
47/97. Zhu-W Kennedy-M Deleer-EWB Zhou-H Alaerts-GJFR Distribution and Modeling of Rare-Earth Elements in Chinese River Sediments Yalvac-ED Seasholtz-MB Beach-MA Crouch-SR Real-Time Analysis of Light Alkenes at Elevated- Temperatures and Pressures by Fiberoptic Near-Infrared Spectroscopy APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 1997, Vol 51, Iss 10, pp 1565-1572
48/97. Sanchiz-J Dominguez-S Mederos-A Brito-F Arrieta-JM Tetramethyl Carboxylic-Acids Derived from O- Phenylenediamines as Sequestering Agents for Iron(III) - Thermodynamic Studies - X-Ray Crystal-Structure of Sodium Aqua(4-Chloro-1,2-Phenylenediamine-N,N,N',N'- Tetraacetato)Ferrate(III)-Water(1/1.5) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1997, Vol 36, Iss 18, pp 4108-4114
49/97. Dyson-RM Kaderli-S Lawrance-GA Maeder-M Zunderbuhler-AD 2nd-Order Global Analysis - The Evaluation of Series of Spectrophotometric Titrations for Improved Determination of Equilibrium-Constants ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1997, Vol 353, Iss 2-3, pp 381-393
50/97. Osthols-E Manceau-A Farges-F Charlet-L Adsorption of Thorium on Amorphous Silica - An EXAFS Study Olivieri-AC Escandar-GM Random Error Analysis in the Determination of Equilibrium-Constants of Very Stable Metal-Complexes ANALYTICAL LETTERS 1997, Vol 30, Iss 10, pp 1967-1980
51/97. Tam-KY Wang-RL Lee-CW Compton-RG Applications of the Channel Flow Cell for UV-Visible Spectroelectrochemical Studies - The Kinetics of Dimerization of the Methyl Viologen Radical-Cation ELECTROANALYSIS 1997, Vol 9, Iss 3, pp 219-224
52/97. Ferrer-R Guiteras-J Beltran-JL Development of Fast-Scanning Fluorescence-Spectra as a Detection System for High-Performance Liquid- Chromatography Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic- Hydrocarbons in Water Samples JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 1997, Vol 779, Iss 1-2, pp 123-130
53/97. Alden-JA Cooper-JA Hutchinson-F Prieto-F Compton-RG Channel Electrode Voltammetry and Reversible Electro- Dimerization Processes - The Reduction of the Methyl Viologen di-Cation in Aqueous-Solution JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1997, Vol 432, Iss 1-2, pp 63-70
54/97. Gonzalez-CA Hernandezpadilla-M Dominguez-S Mederos-A Brito-F Arrieta-JM Polymer Species in Aqueous-Solutions of Para- Phenylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-Tetraacetic Acid (P-Phdta) with Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), Copper(II), Zinc(II) and Cadmium(II) - X-Ray Crystal-Structure of Na-4(Co-2(P- Phdta)(2))Center-Dot 8H(2)O POLYHEDRON 1997, Vol 16, Iss 17, pp 2925-2940
55/97. Ramirez-MT Rojashernandez-A Gonzalez-I Application of Squad to the Refinement of Formal Potentials from Coulometric Steady-State and Spectrophotometric Measurements TALANTA 1997, Vol 44, Iss 1, pp 31-37
56/97. Destefano-C Foti-C Giuffre-O Mineo-P Rigano-C Sammartano-S Binding of Tripolyphosphate by Aliphatic-Amines - Formation, Stability and Calculation Problems ANNALI DI CHIMICA 1996, Vol 86, Iss 5-6, pp 257-280
57/97. Jewett-SL Eggling-S Geller-L Novel Method to Examine the Formation of Unstable 2/1- Complexes and 3/1-Complexes of Catecholamines and Iron(III) JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 1997, Vol 66, Iss 3, pp 165-173
58/97. Sultan-SM Desai-NI Sequential Injection-Analysis Technique for the Concentration, Stoichiometry and Formation Constant Studies of Promethazine Hydrochloride Complexed with Palladium(II) in Hydrochloric-Acid ANALYST 1997, Vol 122, Iss 9, pp 911-914
1/98. Popa P, Mocanu R, Sarbu C Data multidimensional analysis regarding Danube water quality over the period 1990-1996 REV CHIM-BUCHAREST 49: (12) 846-854 DEC 1998
2/98. Madden JE, Haddad PR Critical comparison of retention models for optimisation of the separation of anions in ion chromatography I. Non-suppressed anion chromatography using phthalate eluents and three different stationary phases J CHROMATOGR A 829: (1-2) 65-80 DEC 31 1998
3/98. Librando V, Drava G, Forina M 3-way principal component analysis applied to the evaluation of water quality of underground waters in the area of Siracusa ANN CHIM-ROME 88: (11-12) 867-878 NOV-DEC 1998
4/98. Savage I, Haswell SJ Multivariate experimental methodology for the evaluation of sample preparation techniques used in simultaneous multielemental analysis using total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy ANAL CHIM ACTA 376: (2) 145-151 DEC 11 1998
5/98. Leung AKM, Chau FT, Gao JB Wavelet transform: A method for derivative calculation in analytical chemistry ANAL CHEM 70: (24) 5222-5229 DEC 15 1998
6/98. Roman L, Mirel S, Florean E, et al. The potentiometric and spectrophotometric determination of dissociation constants for same 2-mercapto-5-R-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives J PHARMACEUT BIOMED 18: (1-2) 137-144 OCT 1998
7/98. Balcarek J, Goebel A, Smejkal Z, et al. Determination of particle size distribution of titanium dioxide CHEM LISTY 92: (11) 912-916 1998
8/98. Novotny L, Krista J Interfacial behavior of thiosulfate on mercury electrode under voltammetric conditions ELECTROANAL 10: (14) 965-968 OCT 1998
9/98. Cabranes C, Blanco D, Mangas JJ Characterisation of fermented apple products using data obtained from GC analysis ANALYST 123: (10) 2175-2179 OCT 1998
10/98. Kinard WF, Hunter DB, Clark SB Applications of laser photoacoustic spectroscopy using an optical parametric oscillator to the study of complexation equilibria in dilute aqueous solutions J RADIOANAL NUCL CH 235: (1-2) 11-16 SEP 1998
11/98. Barbieri P, Adami G, Favretto A, et al. A chemometric survey of three sites in Muggia Bay (Northern Adriatic Sea): meteorological effects on heavy metal patterns in surface coastal waters FRESEN J ANAL CHEM 361: (4) 349-352 JUN 1998
12/98. Torres M, Diaz-Cruz JM, Arino C, et al. Multivariate curve resolution analysis of voltammetric data obtained at different time windows: study of the system Cd2+-nitrilotriacetic acid ANAL CHIM ACTA 371: (1) 23-37 SEP 21 1998
13/98. Carrera F, Leon-Camacho M, Pablos F, et al. Authentication of green coffee varieties according to their sterolic profile ANAL CHIM ACTA 370: (2-3) 131-139 SEP 7 1998
14/98. Dominguez JM, Botello-Pozos JC, Lopez-Ortega A, et al. Study of pillar precursors [Ga(III)-Al(III), Ln(III)-Al(III), Zr(IV)] for hydrothermally stable pillared clays CATAL TODAY 43: (1-2) 69-77 AUG 13 1998
15/98. Danzer K, Currie LA Guidelines for calibration in analytical chemistry - Part 1. Fundamentals and single component calibration (IUPAC recommendations 1998) PURE APPL CHEM 70: (4) 993-1014 APR 1998
16/98. Solov'ev VP, Strakhova NN, Kazachenko VP, et al. Steric and stereoelectronic effects in aza crown ether complexes EUR J ORG CHEM (7) 1379-1389 JUL 1998
17/98. Martin MJ, Pablos F, Gonzalez AG Discrimination between arabica and robusta green coffee varieties according to their chemical composition TALANTA 46: (6) 1259-1264 AUG 1998
18/98. Balderas-Hernandez P, Ramirez MT, Rojas-Hernandez A, et al. Determination of pK(a)'s for thymol blue in aqueous medium: evidence of dimer formation. TALANTA 46: (6) 1439-1452 AUG 1998
19/98. Barbieri P, Adami G, Reisenhofer E Multivariate analysis of chemical-physical parameters to characterize and discriminate karstic waters ANN CHIM-ROME 88: (5-6) 381-391 MAY-JUN 1998
20/98. Neher-Neumann E The liquid junction potential in potentiometric titrations. 2. Determination of ionic molar conductivities in mixtures of Cd(ClO4)(2)+HClO4+NaClO4 under the experimental condition that [Na+]=3 M is kept constant ACTA CHEM SCAND 52: (7) 873-882 JUL 1998
21/98. Solov'ev VP, Baulin VE, Strakhova NN, et al. Complexation of phosphoryl-containing mono-, bi- and tri-podands with alkali cations in acetonitrile. Structure of the complexes and binding selectivity J CHEM SOC PERK T 2 (6) 1489-1498 JUN 1998
22/98. Grabaric BS, Grabaric Z, Diaz-Cruz JM, et al. Metal complexation model identification and the detection and elimination of erroneous points using evolving least-squares fitting of voltammetric data ANAL CHIM ACTA 363: (2-3) 261-278 MAY 15 1998
23/98. Beltran JL, Guiteras J, Ferrer R Three-way multivariate calibration procedures applied to high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fast-scanning fluorescence spectrometry detection. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples ANAL CHEM 70: (9) 1949-1955 MAY 1 1998
24/98. Ferre J, Rius FX Detection and correction of biased results of individual analytes in multicomponent spectroscopic analysis ANAL CHEM 70: (9) 1999-2007 MAY 1 1998
25/98. Kufelnicki A, Swiatek M, Vogt A, et al. The cobalt(II)-N,N '-diglycylethylenediamine-dioxygen system - A potential model for metal-peptide interactions J COORD CHEM 43: (1) 21-30 1998
26/98. Araujo CL, Ibanez GA, Ledesma GN, et al. EPSILON: a versatile microcomputer program for the spectrophotometric data analysis of metal-ligand equilibria COMPUT CHEM 22: (2-3) 161-168 1998
27/98. Baret P, Beaujolais V, Beguin C, et al. Towards new iron(III) chelators: Synthesis and complexing ability of a water-soluble tripodal ligand based on 2,2 '-dihydroxybiphenyl subunits EUR J INORG CHEM (5) 613-619 MAY 1998
28/98. Baffi F, Ianni C, Ravera M, et al. Evaluation of the acetate buffer attack of a sequential extraction scheme for marine particulate metal speciation studies by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis ANAL CHIM ACTA 360: (1-3) 27-34 MAR 10 1998
29/98. Gonzalez AG Two level factorial experimental designs based on multiple linear regression models: A tutorial digest illustrated by case studies ANAL CHIM ACTA 360: (1-3) 227-241 MAR 10 1998
30/98. Beltran JL, Guiteras J, Ferrer R Parallel factor analysis of partially resolved chromatographic data - Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples J CHROMATOGR A 802: (2) 263-275 APR 10 1998
31/98. Herrero A, Ortiz MC Modelling the background current with partial least squares regression and transference of the calibration models in the simultaneous determination of Tl and Pb by stripping voltammetry TALANTA 46: (1) 129-138 MAY 1998
32/98. Lienert D, Anklam E, Panne U Gas chromatography mass spectral analysis of roots of Echinacea species and classification by multivariate data analysis PHYTOCHEM ANALYSIS 9: (2) 88-98 MAR-APR 1998
33/98. Fisicaro E, Braibanti A, Rao RS, et al. A software for the estimation of binding parameters of biochemical equilibria based on statistical probability model TALANTA 45: (6) 1267-1279 APR 1998
34/98. Albrecht-Gary AM, Crumbliss AL Coordination chemistry of siderophores: Thermodynamics and kinetics of iron chelation and release MET IONS BIOL SYST 35: 239-327 1998
35/98. Martin MJ, Pablos F, Gonzalez AG Characterization of green coffee varieties according to their metal content ANAL CHIM ACTA 358: (2) 177-183 JAN 30 1998
36/98. Blanco-Gomis D, Fernandez-Rubio P, Gutierrez-Alvarez MD, et al. Use of high-performance liquid chromatographic chemometric techniques to differentiate apple juices clarified by microfiltration and ultrafiltration ANALYST 123: (1) 125-129 JAN 1998
37/98. Sinkov-SI Bozhenko-EI Complexation Behavior of Pu(IV) and Pu(VI) with Urea in Nitric-Acid Solution JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 1998, Vol 271, Iss JUN, pp 809-812
38/98. Batinichaberle-I Spasojevic-I Jang-Y Bartsch-RA Crumbliss-AL Lariat Ether Carboxylic-Acids as Ionizable Hosts in the 2nd Coordination Sphere of the Siderophore Ferrioxamine- B in Chloroform INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1998, Vol 37, Iss 7, pp 1438-1445
39/98. Nagy-NM Konya-J Ion-Exchange Processes of Lead and Cobalt Ions on the Surface of Calcium-Montmorillonite in the Presence of Complex-Forming Agents - I - The Effect of EDTA on the Sorption of Lead and Cobalt Ions on Calcium- Montmorillonite COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 1998, Vol 137, Iss 1-3, pp 231-242
40/98. Konya-J Nagy-NM The Effect of Complex-Forming Agent (EDTA) on the Exchange of Manganese Ions on Calcium-Montmorillonite - I - Reaction Scheme and Calcium-Montmorillonite Na(2)EDTA System COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 1998, Vol 136, Iss 3, pp 299-310
41/98. Bebie-J Seward-TM Hovey-JK Spectrophotometric Determination of the Stability of Thallium(I) Chloride Complexes in Aqueous-Solution Up to 200-Degrees-C GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 1998, Vol 62, Iss 9, pp 1643-1651
42/98. Nagy-NM Konya-J Konya-I Ion-Exchange Processes of Lead and Cobalt Ions on the Surface of Calcium-Montmorillonite in the Presence of Complex-Forming Agents - II - The Effect of DTPA, Tartaric Acid and Citric-Acid on the Sorption of Lead Ions on Calcium-Montmorillonite COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 1998, Vol 137, Iss 1-3, pp 243-252
43/98. Ambrosetti-R Ricci-D Bianchini-R An Improved Computational Approach to the Determination of Thermodynamic and Spectral Complexation Parameters from Overlapping Bands - Applications to the Case of the Cibacron Dimer and to the Multiple Hsa-Levafix Association GAZZETTA CHIMICA ITALIANA 1997, Vol 127, Iss 10, pp 567-575
44/98. Haino-T Katsutani-Y Akii-H Fukazawa-Y Allosteric Receptor-Based on Monodeoxycalix(4)Arene Crown-Ether TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 1998, Vol 39, Iss 44, pp 8133-8136
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46/98. Nagy-NM Konya-J Budai-T Mn2+/Mn-54(2+) Heterogeneous Isotope-Exchange Reaction on Montmorillonite in the Presence of Complex-Forming Agents COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 1998, Vol 138, Iss 1, pp 81-89
47/98. Balderas Hernandez-P Ramirez-MT Rojashernandez-A Gutierrez-A Determination of Pk(A)S for Thymol Blue in Aqueous- Medium - Evidence of Dimer Formation TALANTA 1998, Vol 46, Iss 6, pp 1439-1452
48/98. Verchere-JF Chapelle-S Xin-FB Crans-DC Metal-Carbohydrate Complexes in Solution PROGRESS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1998, Vol 47, pp 837-945
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53/98. Borge-G Fernandez-LA Madariaga-JM On the Liquid-Junction Potential for the Determination of Equilibrium-Constants by Means of the Potentiometric Technique Without Constant Ionic-Strength JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1997, Vol 440, Iss 1-2, pp 183-192
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12/99. Thomas F, Beguin C, Pierre JL, et al. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of the sulfonated derivative of the iron chelator TRENCAM, an analog of enterobactin INORG CHIM ACTA 291: (1-2) 148-157 AUG 1999
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14/99. Nesvadba V, Krofta K, Svoboda P The efficiency of virus-free Saaz semi-early red-bine hop ROST VYROBA 45: (6) 251-254 JUN 1999
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16/99. Foltin M, Prochackova T, Kandrac J Spectrophotometric determination of chromium in samples with high contents of humic substances CHEM LISTY 93: (6) 399-401 1999
17/99. Peters M, Siegfried L, Kaden TA A fully automated pH-NMR titration set-up for protonation studies J CHEM SOC DALTON (10) 1603-1607 MAY 21 1999
18/99. Neher-Neumann E Liquid junction potential in potentiometric titrations. 5. Deduction of the potential functions for EMF cells with complex formation and with liquid junctions of the type AY vertical bar AY+BYz(B)+HY+A(y)L ACTA CHEM SCAND 53: (5) 314-319 MAY 1999
19/99. Goicoechea HC, Olivieri AC Wavelength selection by net analyte signals calculated with multivariate factor-based hybrid linear analysis (HLA). A theoretical and experimental comparison with partial least-squares (PLS) ANALYST 124: (5) 725-731 MAY 1999
20/99. Diaz-Cruz M, Grabaric BS, Grabaric Z, et al. Optimisation of resolution function in signals ratio method and deconvolution by polynomial division - quantitation of Cd(II) and In(III) from their global signals obtained at carbon fibre disk ultramicroelectrode ANAL CHIM ACTA 382: (1-2) 105-115 FEB 23 1999
21/99. Carlosena A, Andrade JM, Tomas X, et al. Classification of edible vegetables affected by different traffic intensities using potential curves TALANTA 48: (4) 795-802 APR 1999
22/99. Zbiral J, Nemec P Comparison of Mehlich II and Mehlich III extraction for determination of available phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium in soils of the Czech Republic ROST VYROBA 45: (1) 1-7 JAN 1999
23/99. Gonzalez AG, Herrador MA, Asuero AG Intra-laboratory testing of method accuracy from recovery assays TALANTA 48: (3) 729-736 MAR 1999
1/2000. Trevizo C, Daniel D, Nirmalakhandan N Screening alternative degreasing solvents using multivariate analysis ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL 34: (12) 2587-2595 JUN 15 2000
2/2000. Leardi R, Armanino C, Lanteri S, et al. Three-mode principal component analysis of monitoring data from Venice lagoon J CHEMOMETR 14: (3) 187-195 MAY-JUN 2000
3/2000. Baret P, Beguin C, Gellon G, et al. TRENPYPOLS: A new water-soluble iron chelator (both Fe-III and Fe-II) involving six-membered coordination rings EUR J INORG CHEM (6) 1219-1227 JUN 2000
4/2000. Meinrath G Robust spectral analysis by moving block bootstrap designs ANAL CHIM ACTA 415: (1-2) 105-115 JUN 30 2000
5/2000. Dousa M Determination of dimetridazol in animal feedingstuffs and additive premixes by HPLC with UV detection. Interlaboratory comparison test of the method CHEM LISTY 94: (5) 326-330 2000
6/2000. Imbert D, Thomas F, Baret P, et al. Synthesis and iron(III) complexing ability of CacCAM, a new analog of enterobactin possessing a free carboxylic anchor arm. Comparative studies with TRENCAM NEW J CHEM 24: (5) 281-288 MAY 2000
7/2000. Zbiral J Analysis of Mehlich III soil extracts by ICP-AES ROST VYROBA 46: (4) 141-146 APR 2000
8/2000. Pais AACC, Pereira JLGC, Redinha JS Nonlinear regression in parameter estimation from polarographic signals COMPUT CHEM 24: (3-4) 533-539 MAY 2000
9/2000. Kurkova M, Praus P, Klika Z Using capillary isotachophoresis for the study of intercalation of quaternary salts into montmorillonite CHEM LISTY 94: (4) 241-244 2000
10/2000. Cibulka R, Hampl F, Kotoucova H, et al. Quaternary pyridinium ketoximes - New efficient micellar hydrolytic catalysts COLLECT CZECH CHEM C 65: (2) 227-242 FEB 2000
11/2000. Trevizo C, Daniel D, Nirmalakhandan N Screening alternative degreasing solvents using multivariate analysis ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL 34: (12) 2587-2595 JUN 15 2000
12/2000. Leardi R, Armanino C, Lanteri S, et al. Three-mode principal component analysis of monitoring data from Venice lagoon J CHEMOMETR 14: (3) 187-195 MAY-JUN 2000
13/2000. Baret P, Beguin C, Gellon G, et al. TRENPYPOLS: A new water-soluble iron chelator (both Fe-III and Fe-II) involving six-membered coordination rings EUR J INORG CHEM (6) 1219-1227 JUN 2000
14/2000. Meinrath G Robust spectral analysis by moving block bootstrap designs ANAL CHIM ACTA 415: (1-2) 105-115 JUN 30 2000
15/2000. Dousa M Determination of dimetridazol in animal feedingstuffs and additive premixes by HPLC with UV detection. Interlaboratory comparison test of the method CHEM LISTY 94: (5) 326-330 2000
16/2000. Imbert D, Thomas F, Baret P, et al. Synthesis and iron(III) complexing ability of CacCAM, a new analog of enterobactin possessing a free carboxylic anchor arm. Comparative studies with TRENCAM NEW J CHEM 24: (5) 281-288 MAY 2000
17/2000. Zbiral J Analysis of Mehlich III soil extracts by ICP-AES ROST VYROBA 46: (4) 141-146 APR 2000
18/2000. Pais AACC, Pereira JLGC, Redinha JS Nonlinear regression in parameter estimation from polarographic signals COMPUT CHEM 24: (3-4) 533-539 MAY 2000
19/2000. Kurkova M, Praus P, Klika Z Using capillary isotachophoresis for the study of intercalation of quaternary salts into montmorillonite CHEM LISTY 94: (4) 241-244 2000
20/2000. Cibulka R, Hampl F, Kotoucova H, et al. Quaternary pyridinium ketoximes - New efficient micellar hydrolytic catalysts COLLECT CZECH CHEM C 65: (2) 227-242 FEB 2000
21/2000. Meinrath G, Ekberg C, Landgren A, et al. Assessment of uncertainty in parameter evaluation and prediction TALANTA 51: (2) 231-246 FEB 7 2000
22/2000. Latorre MJ, Pena R, Garcia S, et al. Authentication of Galician (NW Spain) honeys by multivariate techniques based on metal content data ANALYST 125: (2) 307-312 2000
23/2000. Katritzky AR, Maran U, Lobanov VS, et al. Structurally diverse quantitative structure-property relationship correlations of technologically relevant physical properties J CHEM INF COMP SCI 40: (1) 1-18 JAN-FEB 2000
24/2000. Pop IS, Pop V, Cobzac S, et al. Use of weighted least-squares splines for calibration in analytical chemistry J CHEM INF COMP SCI 40: (1) 91-98 JAN-FEB 2000
25/2000. Jacobson MP, Coy SL, Field RW, et al. Numerical pattern recognition analysis of CO atmospheric simulation experiments J PHYS CHEM A 104: (2) 249-257 JAN 20 2000